achievements as an influential person in the financial world 財界有力者としての活躍
think of the financial world , for example . 例えば経済界を見てみましょう
clay's next move was a small greeting to the financial world CLAYの次の行動は 金融界に小さな挨拶から
clay's next move was a small greeting to the financial world clayの次の行動は 金融界に小さな挨拶から
he was the key player of the financial world in osaka in the meiji period . 明治期の大阪財界の大立者。
in the financial world . 大量破壊兵器といえるでしょう
some of our school's guardians are very big figures in the financial world 本校の保護者の中には 政財界の 大物の方がいらっしゃいましてね。
i'm coming to you with the latest wrinkle in a story that sent shockwaves through the financial world of gotham . ゴッサムの金融界に激震が走った 話題のニュースを伝えます
the younger brother of kinmochi saionji closest in age to him , takamaro , married into the sumitomo family , and he took over sumitomo zaibatsu and succeeded kichizaemon sumitomo the fifteenth (tomoito sumitomo ), and he reigned the financial world for a long time . すぐ下の弟の隆麿は住友家の入り婿となり、住友財閥を継いで第15代住友吉左衛門(住友友純)を襲名し、長く財界に君臨した。